Are They Safe and Effective?
An Interview with Curtis Cost
By Susan Davis
Curtis Cost has written a well-researched,
easy-to-read, no-holds-barred book entitled, Vaccines Are Dangerous:
A Warning to the Black Community. Mr. Cost served as a research
assistant through undergraduate and graduate school. He has a BA from
Vassar College, and an MBA from Northwestern University. He has a diversified
background that includes teaching, corporate sales, marketing research,
and management. He was nominated best author of the year by the National
Black Achievement Awards for his riveting work: What Is Safe Sex
in the Age of AIDS: If You Only Knew What They Aren’t Telling
You. Mr. Cost has appeared on numerous radio and television networks.
Q: What prompted you to write a book on the dangers of vaccines?
A: This book is my attempt to save lives, and save
people from needless suffering. I recognized from all the reading I’d
done that a massive hoax was being perpetrated on the general public.
People were being lied to. They were being told that these chemicals
[in vaccines] would protect them from specific diseases, when in fact
study after study in their own literature has shown just the opposite:
that people have a greater chance of getting diseases from the vaccines.
I’ve found that vaccines cause all types of terrible side-effects,
terrible adverse reactions (some of which are short term, others long
term) where ten to thirty years down the road people get cancers and
other things happen to them, and they have no idea what the source
it is unless they do some research. So, I decided to write this book
because I was thinking about children and little infants who would
exposed to these toxins and have no defense. And also the parents who
have no defense because they just do not know the information.
Q: Through your research, you’ve found
a lot of evidence that vaccines cause the very diseases they were meant
to prevent. Could you elaborate on this?
A: The fact is, you have a much greater chance of
contracting various diseases from the vaccines than you do if you aren’t vaccinated.
Studies show that the majority of people who receive vaccines came down
with diseases in greater numbers than people who aren’t vaccinated.
In the case of polio, some show as much as 76% of the people who came
down with polio had the polio vaccine. One study pointed out that between
1973 and 1983, 76% of everyone who contracted polio in the U.S. got
it from the polio vaccine. People who’ve come down with measles
— numbers like 50-70% of the cases are among those who were
vaccinated. This is a consistent pattern when you look at the various
diseases — smallpox and others. This information is published
right in medical journals and magazines such as the Journal of the American
Medical Association, and others. But the average person doesn’t
take the time to research medical literature. The fact is, vaccines
don’t work and the public is just not aware of that.
Q: Could you describe some of the contents
in routinely-administered vaccines?
A: All types of toxic chemicals and substances have
been placed in vaccines. Kidneys from monkeys in the production of
polio vaccine, embryos/eggs in the measles vaccines, horse and pig
blood, aborted fetus tissue, mercury which is a toxic metal, formaldehyde
to cause cancer), and many other substances, that any rational person
would realize are revolting, disgusting and have very serious implications
for the human body. People don’t know about these chemicals placed
in vaccines. They need to know this. They have also developed genetically
engineered vaccines, where they genetically alter viruses and create
vaccines out of them. It’s bad enough to take a naturally occurring
organism and place it into a person’s blood system. It’s
absolute madness to alter naturally occurring viruses and place them
in a person’s body, because they have no idea what the long term
implications are. There is no way for them to know, unless they put
these chemicals out, give them to millions of people, and watch the
results. So, basically, the American public is being used as guinea
pigs on a massive scale.
Q: You uncovered a study in the New England
Journal of Medicine that stated that 60% of all measles cases among
schoolchildren occurred among those vaccinated. With statistics like
that, why would anyone have their child vaccinated?
A: They don’t know. In fact, many doctors don’t
know either. Most doctors are not researchers; it’s very difficult
for them to keep up with all their literature, because of time spent
with patients being consuming and stressful. The greatest challenge
those of us who are opposed to vaccines face is getting the information
to the public. The pharmaceutical industry has tremendous influence
over the media. They advertise all sorts of drugs, aspirin etc. When
you’re feeding money into an industry, that gives you influence.
Couple that with the medical establishment’s blessing on these
substances and that becomes a lot of power. There are some courageous
radio and TV hosts who allow people to air their views, but it must
be done on a regular basis and on a massive enough scale. This is why
the majority of Americans are still unaware that there is a longstanding
debate over the safety and effectiveness of vaccines. We need to get
both sides of the vaccine story presented to Americans.
Q: You’ve discovered that vaccines come
with no warranties. What does that say?
A: Not only do doctors and pharmaceutical companies
refuse to guarantee that the vaccines are safe, they now require people
to sign statements saying that they agree not to sue the doctor if
should happen to them — now or at any time in the future.
Basically, they’re not taking responsibility for anything, but
they want you to sign on the dotted line.
Q: Do you believe that African Americans are
being singled out as experimental subjects for vaccine research?
A: I’ve talked to individuals who work in the
pharmaceutical industry and they’ve told me that the most experimental
and dangerous vaccines are always administered to the African American
communities. There’s a story I’ve heard numerous times,
of this Black doctor who was working in a department that handled vaccines,
and he noticed that vaccines that were to be sent to the Black community
had code numbers on them which were different from the numbers that
were on the package being sent to the White community. He couldn’t
understand why there was this difference. On one occasion, he accidentally
mixed the two packages up. They found out what happened and immediately
recalled the batches of vaccines. Now, why? What was in those vaccines
that were supposed to go to the Black community that was different from
the one going to the White community? I’ve heard that story many
times, from several credible sources. So, is the Black community being
targeted? Without a doubt. Anyone who looks at history knows we’ve
been subjected to every form of brutality and experiment conceivable.
Q: If vaccines worked, wouldn’t TB be
wiped out by now?
A: Yes, that’s the amazing thing about the whole
logic behind vaccines. They tell us that when we receive a vaccine,
we develop antibodies, and these antibodies would then protect us from
diseases. The first question I have is: if the body naturally produced
antibodies in response to the presence of diseases, why does man have
to interfere with that process. It’s almost as if the human body
and the immune system needs a little “booster” to get the
job done. Why don’t we use natural approaches as opposed to artificial
approaches? Natural approaches such as getting this society more disposed
to eat properly. I mean a really massive drive to get people to eat
more organic fruits and vegetables. My point is: boost the system naturally
with more emphasis on organic produce, exercise, reducing the intake
of sugar and fat. This society has to decide if it wants to maintain
the health of its citizens or the profits for certain segments of the
corporate structure. The bottom line is that there are natural approaches
to enhancing a person’s immune system. The artificial approach,
which is vaccination, is an attempt to say: “You can eat all the
junk you want, don’t worry, about exercising, this vaccine will
protect you.” To anybody with any conception of the human body,
that type of logic is ludicrous! You can’t put trash in your
body and not suffer repercussions.
Q: Would you say that the evidence of the dangers
of vaccines outweighs any evidence of vaccination success?
A: Some studies have linked vaccines to cancers and
brain damage, to say nothing of the more subtle side effects such as
arthritis, ear and eye problems. For a list of side effects, anyone
can refer to the Physician’s Desk Reference and look up the various
vaccines. It gives you a detailed list of side effects associated with
vaccines: side effects such as autism, seizures, mental retardation,
hyperactivity, dyslexia, convulsions, paralysis, sudden infant death
syndrome, blindness, death, premature aging, multiple sclerosis, blood
and skin disorders, allergies. These are documented.
The medical establishment gets away with constantly saying that these
side effects are small and that the chances of them happening are limited.
In fact, doctors have gone so far as to not even tell parents which
pharmaceutical company produced which particular vaccine, or the batch
number of that vaccine, which by law they have to do. You have to realize
that no doctor wants to be sued or put in the position where they are
challenging the AMA.
Q: To the best of your knowledge, is there
any data to support the continued use of vaccines?
A: I can tell you from the research I’ve done
that not only do I say there’s no proof, but I’d say there
are blatant lies perpetuated. For example, the concept of vaccines causing
a decline in the incidence of disease. On one level you’d think
that sounds nice, and some statistics suggest that. But on another level,
if you look a little deeper, you’ll find that measles, mumps,
smallpox etc. were steadily declining before the vaccines came on the
market, declining as much as 90% before they came to market. These
were due to overall improvements in sanitation and nutrition. People
had greater access to fresh fruit and vegetables as roadways to cities
opened up.
So, if there any proof for the continuation of vaccination? from the
research I’ve done: No! If I had to face the decision of subjecting
my child to a vaccine, would I give it any consideration? The answer
is: No. Under no conditions whatsoever would I allow my child, myself,
or any member of my family to be vaccinated. That’s how strongly
I feel about this. Most importantly people need to draw their own conclusions.
Don’t just relax and take my word for it: get some books, read
some articles, look up specifically adverse reactions; make an informed
Q: How can African Americans and others protect
themselves from future inoculations?
A: Everybody has the right not to be vaccinated. If
you are a member of a church or become a member of a church that has
a position against vaccines, you can have your priest or minister draw
up a document stating that it’s the church belief that it’s
wrong to be vaccinated, and that is accepted by most states as a legal
exemption category. You can also draw up a document stating that it’s
against your personal belief system not to be vaccinated. And that’s
also recognized. There are groups such as Vaccination Alternatives,
Natural Hygiene, National Vaccination Information Center, and others
which can provide you with an exemption letter.. Another one, which
I like a lot, allows you to have a lawyer draw up a document stating
that you agree to allow your child or yourself to be vaccinated under
the condition the school and health officials giving the vaccine all
agree to take full responsibility for anything that happens to you
your child now or at any time in the future. Since they know how dangerous
vaccines are, they never sign that type of statement, and always grant
a waiver.
Q:Do you consider yourself a pioneer?
A: Yes I do: in that my book was tailored primarily
toward the African American community. That’s why I gave it the
title I did. There’s a tremendous gap in that the majority of
all the books I’ve read on the subject of vaccines were written
by White authors, and distributed primarily to White book stores. I
thought the Black community had no sensitivity whatsoever to the magnitude
of the threat these vaccines represented to the Black community. So
I consider myself a pioneer in the sense that I’m the first Black
author, to my knowledge, who has written a book on the subject of vaccines.
I also did strive to make the book very readable. People can digest
the information very quickly, but at the same time understand a lot
of what they’re reading and get plenty of documentation to follow
up and do additional research.
Vaccines Are Dangerous: A Warning to the Black Community can be
ordered from A & B Publishing, 149 Lawrence Street, Brooklyn, NY
11201. Tel.: 718-596-3389 or 718-231-9683. For further reading and
consult: Vaccine Alternatives, P.O. Box 346, New York, NY 10023. Tel.:
212-873-5051. Attn: Sharon Kimmelman.
Susan Davis has been active in the animal rights
movement for seven years. She recently founded TAAR-Get health, an
organization dedicated to the promotion of human health by means of
abolishing animal research.