to Vegenaise
By Kymberlie Adams Matthews
Oh my Vegenaise, where would I be without you?
My sandwich would be dry and my pasta salad lifeless. Oh, let’s
be honest: I spread you on my morning toast, dollop you onto my salad,
and love you beside
my chocolate soy ice cream.
Vegenaise, you have encouraged me to branch out in my baking skills—adding
you to my chocolate cake recipe was the smartest thing I have ever done. It
is no wonder, my dear, that when I find your beautifully recyclable glass jar
and metal lid with a vibrant green, blue or purple label close to empty, I
am thrown into quite a tizzy.
I know the truth behind your creation—and it makes you all the more special
to me. In their Follow Your Heart Café, your creators used to buy an “eggless” mayonnaise
called Lecinaise, but it became known that the deceitful process used to make
Lecinaise was to soak the labels off bottles of regular commercial mayonnaise,
and then relabel them. Sadly, not only was the product not eggless, it also
contained refined sugar and preservatives. Your creators were shocked, desperate…but
also inspired. After hundreds of trials, one blessed day, you were conceived.
Today your creamy egg-free goodness—with that real mayonnaise taste,
no over-refined sweeteners, fillers, gums, colorings, or preservatives—seems
to beckon me like a lover. And although friends have become a bit concerned,
a love affair with you isn’t as sinful as some may think. You contain
20 percent less fat than ordinary mayonnaise. I will never doubt your pledge
to the environment, as your Expeller Pressed Vegenaise, Grapeseed Oil Vegenaise
and Organic Vegenaise are all proudly free of GMOs.
And may I be one to congratulate your success in the New York Times low-fat
mayonnaise taste test, standing out above Hellmann’s Low Fat Mayonnaise,
Kraft Mayonnaise Light, Kraft Miracle Whip Light Dressing, Nayonnaise Vegi
Dressing and Spread, and Spectrum Lite Canola Mayonnaise.
Vegenaise, I Follow Your Heart…