
Satya has ceased publication. This website is maintained for informational purposes only.

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back issues


June 1996
Editorial: Thank You

By Martin Rowe


With this edition,Satya is two years old. That’s a grand total of 24 editions, covering everything from what goes into soap to what it’s like processing dead chickens, from the psychological importance of trees to the effects of car culture on public space, from environmental, animal and human issues in Kenya’s Masai Mara to the contribution of world religions to understanding compassion for animals and the natural world. Yet with all the variety of material we’ve covered — all of the exposés, extended series of in-depth articles, recipes, interviews, guides, restaurant, book, and movie reviews, information on potlucks and demonstrations, reflections, and letters — one thing has remained common. None of it would have been possible without your contribution and your support. To put it another way, if you didn’t write and read and subscribe, there would not be Satya.

Unlike other periodicals or ’zines — which are written by a staff of people or sometimes just one person mouthing off for page upon page — Satya has always striven to reflect the voices of activists and those concerned with the issues for which the magazine stands. And, remarkably, since it began in June 94, over 100 people have contributed — reflecting a rich diversity of opinions and passions.

Because as a community we don’t march in lock-step. Satya has offered sometimes controversial and conflicting ideas and views. I hope we have done so responsibly and sensitively, aware that only through dialogue and understanding will true change be brought about. I like to believe that the high quality of articles and letters submitted by all of you out there is generally reflective of a recognition that engaging in sensible debate is the only way to go.

Satya not only hopes in the near future to serve the community for which it was initially intended, but to expand in scope and range, reaching out to more and more communities — undergirded by an ethic of questioning compassion. We hope you will continue to offer your words and your support. Thank you.



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