Advocate: Deep Trouble: The Ecological Cost of Overfishing
By Jack Vegetarianberger
Lately Ive been thinking a lot about The Rainbow Fish (North
South Books, 1992), a popular childrens book. The Rainbow Fish is
a story about the most beautiful fish in the entire ocean,
whose scales are every shade of blue and green and purple, with
sparkling silver scales among them. One day a little blue fish
asks the Rainbow Fish for one of his shiny scales. The Rainbow Fish,
who is very proud of his handsome appearance, refuses to share a single
shiny scale.
The other fish, once they learn of the Rainbow Fishs inability
to share, avoid him. The Rainbow Fish quickly becomes the loneliest
fish in the entire ocean, and cant understand why the other
fish dont like him. Finally, he visits the wise octopus, who advises
him to give a glittering scale to each of the other fish. You
will no longer be the most beautiful fish in the sea, but you will
how to be happy.
After some hesitation, the Rainbow Fish shares all but one of his shiny
scales with the other fish. He discovers that he at last felt
at home among the other fish, and the other fish decide to be
friends with the Rainbow Fish. The end.
Recently Ive been thinking about the worldwide ecological crisis
of overfishinghow the earths oceans are being stripped bare
of sea animalsand I imagine that if Marcus Pfister, author of
The Rainbow Fish, writes another sequel, the Rainbow Fish should be
portrayed as a solitary being, swimming sadly through the empty ocean,
never encountering another fish.
Deep-Sea Decimation
The extinction of sea animals is nothing new, but the last several
decades have seen the worlds oceans being emptied of sea animals
at an alarming rate. In the 1960s, fisheries had decimated many of
the shallow-water
fish species, so they turned toward deep-sea trawling. Now, four decades
later, deep-sea species are similarly threatened. Twenty minutes of
deep-sea trawling off-shore of New Zealand and southern Australia,
instance, captured about 60 tons of bottom-dwelling orange roughy in
the 1980s; today, stocks have been reduced to less than 20 percent
their former abundance. Likewise, deep-sea catches of pelagic armorhead
have shrunk from 30,000 tons in 1976 to an average trawl of 3,500 tons
The United Nations Food and Agricultural Organizations recent
State of the Worlds Fishery Resources report concludes
that 60 percent of the planets major fish populations are in
decline. In the Northeast Atlantic, for example, two-thirds of the
60 main commercial
fish species are being depleted faster than they can replenish themselves,
and all nine of the commercial fish species caught in the North Sea
are being fished unsustainably.
Deep-sea fishing has changed dramatically during the last ten years.
Since the end of the cold war, fishing ships have been able to equip
themselves with spy gear, like multi-beam sonars and positioning systems,
that allow them to precisely map the sea floor. Now, deep-sea trawlers
can pinpoint populations of sea animals and, using bottom-trawling nets
up to 400 feet in width, wipe out entire communities of fish. In essence,
what we are seeing today is the strip-mining of the deep seas. Everything
in the path of these enormous, weighted trawling nets is often captured
or crushed.
What is particularly troubling is the recent discovery that many sea
animals are restricted to narrow areas. It is believed that more than
50 percent of all lobster species on coral reefs are confined to small
geographic regions, as are nearly one-third of snail populations and
more than one-fourth of fish populations. The danger is that the sea
animals limited geographic range increases their risk of extinction
as localized fishing and pollution can decimate entire species.
Wanted: Advocates for Sea Animals
At times like this I wish reincarnation was a fact, as opposed to a
reassuring belief system, and that Henry Spira would magically appear
so he could champion the cause of sea animals. In the 80s and
early 90s, Spira was the lone prominent advocate for farmed animals,
who comprise the largest percentage of animal suffering. While many
activists were focused on pets, fur-bearing and wild animals, Spira
was speaking up for the most miserable and forgotten. He was also, unlike
some of his peers, pragmatic, combative, and effective. (Those who are
unfamiliar with Spira should read Peter Singers biography of
him: Ethics Into Action: Henry Spira and the Animal Rights Movement [Rowman & Littlefield,
1998].) What sea animals desperately need is someone who can direct
public attention to their rapidly worsening
Unfortunately, ethical vegetarians (myself included) have focused most
of their efforts on bettering the treatment of land-based animals. Animal
advocates have paid too little attention to exposing the exploitation
of sea animals, which traditionally has been largely the concern of
often-timid conservation groups. What the sea animals need is a Henry
Spira-type, in-your-face leader and lots of grassroots animal advocates
who are willing to rally around their cause, and to make the exploitation
of sea animals a distasteful endeavor.
Blaming All Carnivores
In researching this column, Ive read more than a dozen newspaper
and magazine articles about overfishing. While all of them agreed that
overfishing is a serious problem that is only getting worse, none of
them dared to mention one simple and inescapable fact: namely, carnivores
are responsible for the problem of overfishing. If human carnivores
didnt eat sea animals, we wouldnt be confronted with the
current ecological nightmare.
I believe people are responsible for their actions. No one, with the
exception of children and the mentally challenged, is forced to eat
the flesh of sea animals. It is the personal decision of carnivores
to eat sea animals that has caused the overfishing crisis.
Plenty of blame can be heaped upon food columnists like Parade Magazines Sheila
Lukins, whose recent Get Hooked On Fish! column contained
recipes for stripped bass, crabs, salmon, and halibut. Or upon conservation
groups like The National Audubon Society, which has published a book,
The Seafood Lovers Almanac. The almanac encourages people to
only eat fish that are not classified as seriously threatened. What
a tepid
As vegetarians, we need to speak up for sea animals. We need to challenge
the notion that eating fish is somehow less cruel than eating land-based
animals. And we need to make the public aware that the worlds
deep-sea regions are being hopelessly strip-mined. Educate yourselfand
Contact: Sheila Lukins, P.O. Box 5099, Grand Central Station, New
York, NY 10163-5099, or delicious@parade.com.
National Audubon Society: Seafood Lovers Initiative, Audubons
Living Oceans, 550 South Bay Ave., Islip, NY 11751; Livingoceans@audubon.org;
(888) 397-6649.