Only Disconnect By
Martin Rowe
the Ground Holy: An Interview With Mary Evelyn Tucker
From May 1996 to July 1998,
a series of ten conferences were held, focusing on the ecological traditions
of each of the major world religions. Mary Ellen Tucker was one of the
prime movers in these discussions.
it on Rio? The Political and Scientific Response to the Environmental
As part of the conference
entitled Religion and Ecology: Discovering the Common Ground,
experts were asked to speak about developments in environmental issues.
Generations On: The Religious Response to the Environmental Crisis
Chimpanzees in Africa: The Satya Interview with Deborah Fouts
By Vanessa Alford
Drs. Roger and Deborah Fouts
are among the best-known advocates for the protection and welfare of chimpanzees
in the world.
Solution to Polution: Public Policy and Sustainability
By Joanna Underwood
In the early 1970s we
had a very simple idea about pollution and clearing it up....We thought
we didnt have to change; and although we did change how we
make things, we didnt change what we made.